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Why is Vitamin D Such a Big D?

I know for sure that PREVENTION is the ONLY CURE.

 I am of the school of thought that our immune system is designed to successfully navigate the terrain of the day. I believe in herd immunity, I encouraged my children to play in the dirt, jump in mud puddles, go outside without a coat and even honored their decision to wear shorts in the middle of winter. I was alone in my beliefs many decades ago when my children were small, but I can tell you this my children rarely got sick and when they did they recovered quickly. So I guess letting them lick the monkey bars on occasion wasn’t so dangerous after all. All joking aside, we need daily exposure to flora, microbes, virus, bacteria that is floating around, its how the body develops immunity.

I also believe the root cause of every illness is a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Just as the immune system needs exposure to germs to build immunity, the body needs nutrients to stay strong to stand up against the daily barrage of invaders.

There are seven major supplements that are the standard building blocks for immunity and are universal for optimal wellness; Vitamin D3 with K2, vitamin C, Zinc, Liposomal Glutathione, B12 (as methylcobalamin) and B6 . I was going to tell you about each of these immune supports but it will bore you to tears, so this is what you need to know in one sentence- All of these nutrients help the body to produce, activate and protect white blood cells in different ways, but I want to better acquaint you with the reasons why vitamin D is such a big deal.

Unlike other vitamins, D works as a hormone and every cell in your body has a receptor for it. Every white blood cell has a D receptor, they need to be fortified to fight off virus and infection. Has your blood work revealed that your D level is low? Well, you aren’t alone, 42% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. Populations of color have even higher numbers due to D receptor mutations that prevent vitamin D absorption, 69.2% of Hispanics and 82.1% of African Americans are deficient. This deficiency is one of the leading reasons why diabetes, heart disease and cancer is so prevalent in these communities. This receptor mutation is not exclusive to these two ethnicities, if you were blessed with more melanin in your skin, you have receptor mutations too. This low vitamin D level is one of the contributing factors of why Italy was so hard hit by the virus of 2020.

A few symptoms of low D levels and deficiency include fatigue, depression, low functioning immune system(do you easily catch colds and get the flu), erectile dysfunction and obesity. Some illness linked to vitamin D deficiency include-diabetes, heart disease,hyperparathyroidism,breast and prostate cancer and dementia.

Now for the good news! It is easy and affordable to boost vitamin D levels. Based on current research consuming 1,000 to 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily is ideal for most people to reach healthy blood levels. Which means you will have lower risk of multiple cancers like colon and breast, improved heart function, amazing energy, happiness and the ability to fight off colds, virus and infection all year. Are you taking D3 and your blood work is still reporting below average results? Try adding K2, to aide the body’s ability to absorb D3. Take the guess work out of dosage and pick up a pre blended D3 plus K2. Of course it is always a great idea to have blood work done and to work with your doctor to develop a protocol that is perfect for you.