Where the fabulous come to DeTox & ReVIBE
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B12 is everything

B12 is a cellular activator that switches on the healtiest,

happiest and most fabulous version of you!

B12 is a foundational vitamin that activates the highest potential of cellular function, creating a healthy, happy and harmonious system. it nourishes the nervous system, strengthens immunity, builds red blood cells, and energizes mitochondria for deep cellular vitality.

B12 supports melatonin production for therapeutic sleep, enhances detoxification pathways, reduces histamine responses, and balances neurotransmitters—bringing clarity, focus, and emotional equilibrium. It also regulates stress responses and inflammation, restoring the body to a state of harmony and resilience.

B!2 actively engages your cells, fills in the missing pieces of the wellness puzzle, and elevates your entire system. When your body has the support it needs, life just gets better.

b12 basics

B12 as methylcobalamin is the most absorbable form of B12.

Do you have the MTHFR gene mutation?

This B12 is for you.

first visit


During this appointment we will review current medications, supplementation and health challenges.

We will discuss important information like, How do you feel? and How would you like to feel?

The final step is co-creating the perfect B12 wellness plan based on your specific needs and wishes.

first visit is by appointment only

duration 20 minutes

exchange $85

includes wellness consultation and any B12 wellness elixir.


foundational healing


everyday wellness


B Healthy 2 mG/ $30

Nourishes the immune system, supports energy production, and enhances overall vitality.

B Healthy 5 Mg/ $35

A higher dose is beneficial for those who are experiencing symptoms of B12 deficiency. Some of the most common symptoms are brain fog, numbness and tingling, depression, insomnia, anemia, Vertigo, fatigue and mouth ulcers.


B Happy/ $35

Mood boosting blend designed to support neurotransmitter balance and emotional well-being. *STRESS HORMONE METABOLIZER (a.k.a. cortisol kryptonite)

B Skinny/ $35

Supports metabolism, liver detoxification, and energy production.

don’t Be a B/ $35

Designed for that time of the month when the most even tempered Diva might feel a little bitchy. This cocktail banishes fatigue, bloating, and cramps providing mood stability during cycles.

hangover B gone/ $35

This cocktail is a pre and post party favorite! Recovery blend for dehydration, fatigue and detox support after mild (wink, wink) overindulgence.

The Bees Knees/ $35

Is the perfect blend of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to prepare and strengthen the immune system for the change of seasons. Provides seasonal allergy relief, shortens the lifespan of colds, and will have you feeling the the Bee’s Knees in no time.


vitamin C+ B12+ B Complex,


anti-stress & energy enhancers

Classic Myers’ Cocktail/ $35

This is the shot form of the famous IV Dr. Myers crafted in the 70’s to fight chronic fatigue, migraine headache, seasonal allergies and upper respiratory issues. It’s the perfect blend of Vitamin C, B Complex, B12, Magnesium and Calcium. Just what the doctor ordered to keep you healthy all year long. This is a great shot for travelers.

Happy Myers’ Cocktail/ $35

This cocktail soothes the mind by nourishing the neurotransmitters that make you happy, motivated and clear. Once you’re feeling the Zen, the energy kicks in to give you the physical strength you need to actively enjoy your life. *Stress Recovery and Stress virus prevention

Skinny Myers’ Cocktail/ $35

A Skinny Myers’ has all the benefits of the Classic Myers’ plus a metabolism and energy boost and liver detox. Yay!

Vibrational Mastery &

cellular evolution

mitochondrial activation/ $35

A powerhouse blend designed to fuel cellular energy at the deepest level. Supports ATP production, endurance, and recovery while optimizing methylation pathways for those with genetic predispositions to energy depletion, .

Neuro-Enhancement/ $35

Methylated B12 combined with nervous system co-factors to optimize brain function, enhance mental clarity, and support neurotransmitter balance. Ideal for those managing cognitive fog, stress overload, or nervous system dysregulation.

ascension formula/ $35

A high frequency B12 blend designed for energetic alignment and expansion. Supports nervous system adaptation, DNA recalibration, and deeper integration of vibrational shifts. Ideal for those engaged in consciousness work and energy healing.

Heart-centered energy blend/ $35

Methylated B12 combined with heart-opening nutrients to promote coherence, emotional resilience, and energetic expansion. Supports those seeking balance between the physical and energetic heart space.

shot packages

Say YES! To self care & Save BIG!

four shots $111

Save $29

Eight Shots $222

Save $58

twelve shots $333

Save $87

sixteen shots $444

Save $116


All Packages Expire One year from the date of purchase,are non TRANSFERABLE, AND NON REFUNDABLE.