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Happy, Healthy and Strong All Year Long!
Never before has it been more clear that we need to support our immune system all year long. The Shot Spot specializes in helping you find the right combination of nutrients to keep you happy, healthy and strong all year long. Depending upon your wellness goals and lifestyle most people feel best after four shots. One shot per week for four consecutive weeks. That’s when you notice you have sustained energy, your quality of sleep improves and you have more mental focus. The goal is to get you to that sweet spot where you can go longer and longer between injections, while maintaining a strong immune system, balance mood and just an over-all sense of well being.
We highly recommend our Twelve or Sixteen shot packages for anyone committing to a wellness, weight loss or training program. Metabolism boosters, amino acid infusion and adrenal support are absolutely a game changer when you are shifting your health through lifestyle modification.
We encourage you to listen to your body to determine frequency of shots. The inject-able nutrients are all water soluble, you can feel when they start to tapper off. When you feel like you need some extra energy, fat burner, amino acid endurance or stress relief just stop by.
Please book your first appointment online
Straight No Chaser
B Healthy 2 mg, B12 regulates energy, happiness, sleep, detoxification, red blood cell production, immune support, and is vital for nerve and heart health. We only serve premium B12 as methylcobalamin for maximum absorption. If you have MTHFR gene mutation this is the form of B12 that is recommended.
B Healthy 5 mg, A higher dose is beneficial for those who are experiencing symptoms of B12 deficiency. Some of the most common symptoms are brain fog, numbness and tingling, depression, insomnia, anemia, Vertigo, fatigue and mouth ulcers.
Signature Cocktails $30
B Happy is liquid Zen in a syringe. B12, MIC and a heavy dose of Lysine provides immune system and liver support, happiness, calmness, energy and mental clarity.
B Skinny is a mega dose of energy, happiness and immune booster with a heavy pour Fat Burner (MIC), which is fabulous for helping the liver remove fat and toxins and also increases metabolism.
B Strong is packed with amazing aminos and B12. Glutamine, Ornithine, Arginine and Lysine enhance total workout performance, increase muscle mass, decrease recovery time and eliminate muscle fatigue. Ornithine supports the kidneys and is a major fatigue fighter.
Signature Cocktail Packages
Any combination of our Signature Cocktails
Four Cocktails $105 (Save $15)
Eight Cocktails $220 (Save $20)
Twelve Cocktails $320 (Save $40)
Sixteen Cocktails $420 (Save $60)
Premium Cocktails $35
Classic Myers’ Cocktail is the shot form of the famous IV Dr. Myers crafted in the 70’s to fight chronic fatigue, migraine headache, seasonal allergies and upper respiratory issues. It’s the perfect blend of Vitamin C, B Complex, B12, Magnesium and Calcium. Just what the doctor ordered to keep you healthy all year long. This is a great shot for frequent flyers.
Happy Myers’ this cocktail soothes the mind by nourishing the neurotransmitters that make you happy, motivated and clear. Once you’re feeling the Zen, the energy kicks in to give you the physical strength you need to actively enjoy your life.
Skinny Myers’ has all the benefits of the Classic Myers’ plus a metabolism boost and liver detox.
Strong Myers’ this shot packs a punch! A double dose of energy, it helps repair and strengthen muscles, helps the kidneys function better and knocks out chronic fatigue.
B Strong & Beautiful yes, you can have it all! All of the nutrients you need to nourish tissues and cells for fabulous skin, hair and nails while boosting your metabolism.
Don’t be a “B” for that time of the month when the most even tempered Diva can feel a little bitchy. This cocktail banishes menstrual cramps, fatigue and bloating.
Hangover B Gone party like a rock-star with this pre or post party shot. Come in before the party or drag yourself in after; you’ll be back to your fabulous self in under an hour.
The Bee’s Knees is the perfect blend of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to prepare and strengthen the immune system for the change of seasons. Provides seasonal allergy relief, shortens the lifespan of colds, and will have you feeling the the Bee’s Knees in no time.
Premium Cocktail
Any Combination of our Premium Cocktails
Four Cocktails $120 (Save $20)
Eight Cocktails $240 (Save $40)
Twelve Cocktails $360 (Save $60)
Sixteen Cocktails $480 (Save $80)